Filtered by keyword: Tablet (clear filter)
Are you looking to buy a tablet computer for yourself or for your loved one this Christmas, but you are not sure which one to get? Here is a practical tablet buying guide to help you make the right choice. (2024 Christmas Edition)
Are you one of those lucky ones whom family and especially your mother always ask for help when it comes to doing anything tech-related? She gets a new smartphone, an iPad, TV set-top-box, even the microwave timer - are you the go-to-person? So how do you find teaching her all those things which you find trivial? Do you ever wonder why she doesn't quite get it despite you telling her again and again?
Do you wonder why your computer, tablet or smartphone is running a bit slower today than when it was brand new? We have two simple, free and non-technical tips for you to help you speed up your electronic devices.