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Learn how to deal with Internet scams or scam telephone calls at our special Internet safety and dealing with scams workshop
It's Get Online Week in the week commencing 14th October 2024. There are thousands of events taking place in communities all across the country with volunteers showing you that getting the most out of the internet can be easy and fun. All you need to do is Try 1 Thing! We are proud to announce that Get Online Week is back in Ipswich. Our digital superheroes are busy setting up events to help people get online and use technology. Here is a list of events available around the area. So just #try1thing. Happy Get Online Week!
Lxpert has partnered with the Ipswich Country Library to offer fun and interactive computer courses for people in the local community.
Monthly digital skills workshops for absolute beginners and intermediates every first Tuesday of the month 10am-12pm at the Felixstowe Library.
Monthly digital skills workshops for absolute beginners and intermediates every first Thursday of the month 14:00-15:30 at the Ipswich County Library.
Lxpert has partnered with the Felixstowe Library to offer fun and interactive computer courses for people in the local community.
It's Get Online Week in the week commencing 16th October 2023. There are thousands of events taking place in communities all across the country with volunteers showing you that getting the most out of the internet can be easy and fun. All you need to do is Try 1 Thing! We are proud to announce that Get Online Week is back in Ipswich. Our digital superheroes are busy setting up events to help people get online and use technology. Here is a list of events available around the area. So just #try1thing. Happy Get Online Week!
It's Get Online Week in the week commencing 14th October 2019. There are thousands of events taking place in communities all across the country with volunteers showing you that getting the most out of the internet can be easy and fun. All you need to do is Try 1 Thing! We are proud to announce that Get Online Week is back in Ipswich. Our digital superheroes are busy setting up events to help people get online and use technology. Here is a list of events available around the area. So just #try1thing. Happy Get Online Week!
A newspaper news article titled "Volunteer of the Year offers free IT sessions" published by the East Anglian Daily Times and the Ipswich Star on 4th October 2018.
Our founder Kennedy Cheng has won the Volunteer of the Year award and his student Stephen Smith has won the Inspirational Learner of the Year at the Suffolk Adult Learners' Awards 2018.
It's Get Online Week in the week commencing 15th October 2018. There are thousands of events taking place in communities all across the country with volunteers showing you that getting the most out of the internet can be easy and fun. All you need to do is Try 1 Thing! We are proud to announce that Get Online Week is back in Ipswich. Our digital superheroes are busy setting up events to help people get online and use technology. Here is a list of events available around the area. So just #try1thing. Happy Get Online Week!
Time flies when you are having a great time. It has been three years since we started the free computer advice and support service in partnership with AgeUK Suffolk. The service is offered at AgeUK Ipswich help centre in Ipswich Town Centre. The service has gone from strengthen to strengthen since launched in July 2015. To-date, we have held 137 sessions, helped more than 420 customers and raised over £780 for AgeUK. Our customers found the service friendly and helpful and we consistently received top marks feedback.
It's Get Online Week in the week commencing 2nd October 2017. There are thousands of events taking place in communities all across the country with volunteers showing you that getting the most out of the internet can be easy and fun. All you need to do is Try 1 Thing! We are proud to announce that Get Online Week is back in Ipswich. Our digital superheroes are busy setting up events to help people get online and use technology. Here is a list of events available around the area. So just #try1thing. Happy Get Online Week!
Time flies when you are having a great time. It has been two years since we started the free computer advice and support service in partnership with AgeUK Suffolk. The service is offered at AgeUK Ipswich help centre in Ipswich Town Centre. The service has gone from strengthen to strengthen since launched in July 2015. To-date, we have held 92 sessions, helped more than 291 customers and raised over £531 for AgeUK. Our customers found the service friendly and helpful and we consistently received top marks feedback.
A newspaper feature editorial titled "Change your life for the better by gaining the digital skills you need" published by the East Anglian Daily Times on 12th June 2017.
It's Get Online Week in the week commencing 17th October 2016. There are thousands of events take place in communities all across the country, showing people how the internet can make life easier, cheaper, healthier and more fun! Certainly this is a celebration not to be missed. Our experts in the community are busy setting up events to help people to get online and use technology. Here is a list of events available around the Ipswich area.
Time flies when you are having a great time. It has been a year since we started the free computer help and support service in partnership with AgeUK Suffolk. The service is offered at the well-equipped and friendly AgeUK Ipswich help centre in Ipswich Town Centre. The service has gone from strengthen to strengthen since the launch in July 2015. To-date, we have held 51 sessions, helped more than 160 customers and raised more than £300 for AgeUK. Our customers found the service friendly and helpful and we consistently received top marks feedback.
Yesterday, We ran another fun and interactive class about the Internet for another group from the Suffolk Hearing Advisory Service at The Salvation Army in Felixstowe. It was great to see many people so eager to learn and actively participating in the class.
We have reached our second milestone “100 customers helped” for the free computer advice service in partnership with AgeUK Suffolk. To-date we have helped 104 customers, raised over £153 donations for AgeUK and delivered 33 free sessions. Moreover, we are very pleased to let you know that the service consistently receives top ratings; our customers found the service extremely useful; they would use the service again; and they would recommend it to others.
On the 25th November, we presented our ideas and our work at the Tinder Foundation Digital Evolution 2015 conference. People really like it and we have been voted as the best poster presentation of the day! Thank you!